Building a Home in WA – Why Employ an Independent Building Inspector
Employing an independent building inspector to inspect your Builder’s work can be beneficial for all parties involved.
If you ask two friends who built with the same Builder about their experience regarding quality of the build, one may tell you it was wonderful, and the next may tell you they had a terrible experience. There are many variables involved in the building process that can affect satisfaction of the client. Employing the right Building Inspector can assist in the following ways:
Your home will be built in compliance with the Building Codes of Australia, Australian Standards and manufacturer’s recommendations.
A good building inspector will obtain copies of all plans and engineering details for your new home to ensure the property is being built in compliance with the details specified within the plans and signed off by an engineer. You’d be surprised how often discrepancies exist (see the Building Commission’s audit into timber framed, metal clad roofs where the high majority of roofs had areas of non-compliance).
Defective work will be rectified by the Builder in a timely manner.
If the Builder is given evidence as to WHY work is non-compliant, they are more likely to rectify these issues in a timely manner. If an Australian Standard or Building Code is referenced within the Building Report, the Builder can see that if a dispute is lodged via Building Commission you will have a strong case, and they risk being fined for inadequate supervision as well as being given an order to rectify the non-compliant work. The building supervisor will also know that your inspector will be back to inspect again at the next building stage, and that the non-compliant work will be re-inspected to ensure it has been adequately rectified.
You’ll have an expert you can trust working for you, leaving no questions unanswered.
Any query related to your build, big or small, can be answered by your experienced inspector. Your inspector is there to offer peace of mind so you know your new home is being built right, and you don’t experience any costly or time-consuming issues in years to come after you’ve moved in.
From building designers, to engineers, to salespeople/consultants, to supervisors, to tradespeople, unfortunately mistakes are made throughout the process of building a new home. Employing an independent building inspector is important if you want your new home built in compliance with all codes and standards and to a high level of workmanship.
If you have any queries regarding how Cap-It-All Building Inspections can WORK FOR YOU, call Charlotte on 9405 8710 or email enquiries@cap-it-allbuildinginspections.com.au.