At What Stages do I Need my New Home Inspected?
If you’re considering engaging an independent inspector to ensure your new home is built to a high quality and in accordance with all Building Codes and Australian Standards, one of your next questions will be how many
inspections do I need and at what stages?
At Cap-It-All Building Inspections Perth, we inspect at the following stages:
Plate Height
At this stage brickwork will have been completed and the inspector will report on all areas of non-compliance to date, including assessment of flashings and weepholes, lintels, roof straps, wall ties, mullions/columns and
internal dimensions.
Roof Framework
Approximately 1-2 weeks after plate height is reached, the roof framework is usually complete. At this stage the inspector will report on all areas of non-compliance, undertaking an assessment of ceiling joists, beams, struts, rafters, underpurlins and ridge boards.
Practical Completion
Once your home is practically complete, the inspector will attend site with yourself and your supervisor to report on outstanding areas of non-compliance. Many of this non-compliant work is related to aesthetic finishes.
Why inspect at all stages instead of just at practical completion? At the previous stages the inspector can see in areas that are covered up by the time practical completion has been reached. Areas of non-compliance such as the depth of roof straps is visible at plate height, but more difficult to see at later stages.
In addition to this, the inspector can ensure areas of non-compliance identified previously have been rectified properly by the Builder when undertaking the next inspection, so you’re left with the peace of mind of knowing your new home has been built right.
For further information on Cap-It-All Building Inspections Perth’s New Home Building Inspections package, which works out to be just $500 per inspection (for a single-storey home), please feel free to contact our team on
(08) 9405 8710 or enquiries@cap-it-allbuildinginspections.com.au.